Dialogue about the necessity of Tree Plantation/ Afforestation

Dialogue about the necessity of Tree Plantation/ Afforestation

Suppose, you are Abib/ Abiba and your friend is Farsin/ Farisha. You and your friend feel the necessity of planting trees. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend about the necessity/ importance of Tree Plantation/ Afforestation/ how to preserve ecological balance. This dialogue is suitable for the students of class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, JSC, 9, 10, SSC, 11, 12, HSC.

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Write a dialogue between you and your friend about the necessity/ importance of Tree Plantation/Afforestation

Abib: Hello friend! How are you and where are you going?
Farsin: My God! You are here? I am so so and was going to you.
Abib: But you so hurry. Anything wrong with you?
Farsin: Yes, a report of the Green Party regarding tree cutting culture is greatly tormenting me.
Abib: I see. To save our green environment Green Party is emphasizing on afforestation instead of deforestation any more.
Farsin: What is afforestation?
Abib: Afforestation means planting trees systematically.

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Farsin: Yea, tree plantation? Trees give us shelter, shade, food, and other facilities such as maintenance of ecosystems for which natural ingredients go their own way smoothly. The trees are, in a word, the port of all living beings under the sun.
Abib: But a matter of regret that these are being cut down purposively. Consequently, nature is losing her ecological balance. And-
Farsin: And ecological factors are being at sixes and sevens.
Abib: Therefore, we have no alternative but to save the environment through more and more tree plantation campaigns.
Abib: That is, you want to say that the necessity of tree plantation is needless to mention anymore, do you?
Farsin: Yes.
Abib: Thank you very much. Bye.
Farsin: You are welcome too.

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